books hustler
6 min readJul 19, 2021


Every one of us want to be millionaire once in our life time. Well, there is a trillion of cash in the world and the value of the assets may be around quadrillion. Having 1 million in your bank account should not be a big deal but the fact is there is a bunch of peoples who are having billions in their bank account and on the other hand the majority of the population is writing broke in their Instagram bio. Well money is not directly proportion to hard work. We need to work hard in a smart way to achieve a six-figure income. The thing which separates those few peoples from majority of the peoples are certain rituals. There are certain laws in life which they follow in their day-to-day life.

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APJ Abdul kalam once said that we cannot change our future but surely, we can change our habits and our habits can change our future. Your habits play a major role in shaping your carrier. These billionaires are crystal clear about their rituals and they perform them on a daily basis. So, if you are a teenager or a hustler who is in his 30s then follow these habits to increase your productivity so that you should be able to increase your income.

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Get up at4am- well 4am is not a strict hour but you need to get up before the sun so try to get up at least at 5am. Successful people know the value of their time so they get up early. The environment and fresh oxygen you will get in the morning will help you to remain productive throughout the day. You are already ahead of other people and no one will be disturbing you in the morning. It is the perfect time to plan your day and execute your plans for the day. Morning is the best time to ready your body for the day. Exercise in the morning is very common ritual of the billionaires. They know the benefits of exercise in the morning. Being ahead of time makes you ahead of other peoples. According to various studies you should perform most difficult things in the morning as your brain is more active. The time in the morning is the opportunity to learn difficult things in a short period of time as per Ayurveda and Indian culture. According to a study 50% of the billionaires wake up three hours before their workday.

They are healthy- human brain is the most important organ of our body and is developed in those conditions in which we humans used to perform a lot of physical work. Billionaires utilize their extra time for meditation and for exercise. Steve jobs was famous for walking every day. They follow a healthy diet and they hit the gym in the morning. Hitting the gym in the morning gives you vital energy and mental strength and helps you to have a disciplined day. Mark Cuban who has an estimated worth of 3 billion is famous for doing the cardio for an hour. Richard Branson claimed that exercising in the morning adds 4 hours of productivity in his day. Science has found that working out regularly helps to boost your concentration and memory and these traits are essential to have success in your career. Diet also plays a major role in your productivity and drink water regularly to burn extra fat.

They read- Reading is the most common habit among billionaires. The major benefit of reading a book is that you can have a knowledge in few days which other person gained in his entire life. Reading a single book adds a year in your experience. Almost all the billionaires read mainly biographies and business books. The simple secret to success is that if you want to stay on the top if your game then you need to develop your skillset continuously. Reading books helps you to expand your knowledge and helps you to make better decisions. I have personally met many people who were jobless few years ago and now they are making a 6-figure income. Legendary investor warren buffet is famous for spending 80% of his time in studying books. Well, there is saying that the more you learn the more you will earn and this is so true. Elon musk who is expected to be the first trillionaire and the man of the century used to read 2 books for a day. He literally learned rocket science by reading a lot of books. When human mind is learning state then it also becomes happy which states that learning keeps you happy so happy reading. If you do not want to read books then you can listen to audio books in your free time.

They know the difference between assets and liability- the first book which I will recommend you to read is the rich dad and poor dad. The main difference between rich and poor is that rich people invest their money in the assets which helps them to make more money on the other hand poor people spend their money in the liabilities which drains money from their bank account. Saving money is essential to invest which will build you wealth. The average billionaire only spends a tiny fraction of his income on liabilities. Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart, drove an old pickup truck-even after he became a billionaire. The poor people work for money and the rich people make money work for them. Living below your means and investing that money is key to be a billionaire.

They meditate- meditation is not a new thing in Indian culture. Meditation has shown significant impact on the productivity of a person. It boosts the immune system and helps to control to your senses. Mediation for the 5 minutes in the morning will help you to control your day. Meditation will help you to lose anger, anxiety and is beneficial for your mental health. The number of suicides due to mental problems are the evidence that meditation is the new elixir for our generation. Meditation helps you to control your though and channelize your energy. Billionaires value their energy and that’s why they do not waste it on random thoughts. Meditation is also an effective strategy to cope with anxiety and anxiety related issues like phobia and obsessive-compulsive behaviors.

Multi-tasking vs batching- there are many people who proudly says that they are multitaskers but the thing is that multi-tasking is a myth and in a long run it can affect the productivity of the human brain in a negative manner. Billionaires do not multi task but what they do is called batching. Batching refers to performing two functions at the same time but these two functions do not require the concentration of the person. For e.g. Elon musk eats his lunch while having his meetings at the same time on the other hand multi-tasking refers to performing two different tasks at the same time and they require your concentration as well and you will not be able to perform one function properly. So, avoid multi-tasking and instead choose batching.

They value their time- time is the most valuable asset in the world. Time creates the difference between rich and poor. Rich people know the value of their time. They don’t work only for money. An average billionaire takes thousands of decisions in his 24 hours on the other hand an average person just get up late and avoid workout and ends up his life by just paying the bills. Time is the valuable asset which cannot be gained back. Time is free but it is precious. It is the habit of a billionaire to value his time over the money. Money comes and goes but the time when it is gone it you can’t purchase it again. Billionaire also do not waste their life to acquire more money. They know the value of giving back. Billionaires like warren buffet and bill gates has publicly announced that they will donate their 90% of wealth after their death. Donating money to help others is the best feeling in the world.

The above mentioned are the habits of the billionaires and the information above stated is taken from different interviews of the billionaires. One thing which I would like to mention here is that billionaires develop multiple sources of income and that’s why they are being able to survive this coronavirus pandemic. They are not at all dependent upon one source of income and are constantly increasing their sources of income. I hope the information in this blog will help you to become a billionaire. Also share your experience in the comment sections to tell your productive habits.



books hustler

I am passionate about reading books and love to share the valuable knowledge.